21 Feb 2012

Autumn in my garden - update

I've been stitching Autumn-lady again. I really enjoy stitching her and the fabric is soooo nice and soft! I had to do some unpicking as I stitched while talking on Skype on Sunday and ofc I forgot few stitches. No more talking while stitching, lol.

Pistelin Autumn-leidiä jälleen. Työtä on aivan ihana pistellä, kangaskin on aivan valtavan ihanan pehmeää! Purkamisurakka tosin oli edessä sunnuntain jäljiltä. Juttelin samalla Skypessä kun pistelin. Tottakai sitä sitten unohtui muutama pisto. Enää en puhu samalla kun pistelen, lol.


  1. She's really taking shape. Autumn is my favorite season!


  2. Yes, now you can start to see her there, instead of just weird areas of colours :)

    I love autumn too, that's why I chose this one! (and for some reason I like pumpkins, in stitches only, don't like to eat them.. not that I have since I was a kid)

  3. This looks lovely. Good job on your finishes too!
