No stitching lately. Oh wait, I did stitch a bit! I started to stitch a little fox-kit that came free with the newest Cross Stitcher. I have no pic of that as it's really small area that I managed to stitch.
I ordered some hand dyed fabric yesterday! I was planning to wait for couple weeks for it to arrive but today already I got a note that it's ready to ship! huh.. that's damn fast :)) Where did I order it from? Well, I have never ordered from her before this, so I can't say how the fabric is like but the service is damn great! I emailed to her a while ago and she replied really quick. So.. I think I dare to say that Sparklies is the place to go! :)) I'll take pics of the fabrics as soon as I have them, ofc.
I'm also waiting a kit to arrive and a magazine, too. "Cross stitch and needlework" magazine should have arrived already as it was posted about a month ago. I left a comment about it on their FB page and if I don't get it this week, I'll just send them email directly.
And the kit.. ugh, it just makes me a bit annoyed. I ordered it from a place that I have used once before, ages ago. I can't remember how quick they were back then. I orderd the kit last month and my credit card was charged 20th Feb. It's 27th March now and nothing so far.. They did say on their website that it might take up to 21 days to get the goodies and since I don't like in UK, I thought it might take longer. BUT what annoys me the most is that my card was charged over a month ago. It's just.. can't they charged it when they are actually ready to ship the item, rather than few days after ordering and a month before shipping? :P Again, if I am not getting it this week, I'll be sending an email asking about it.
What else.. ooh.. I have a birthday this week!! EEEEEK! I'm gonna be 30 on thursday! No panic attack though, I had an agecrisis when I had my 27th birthday lol. But it's still kinda weird. 30 years old. Just yesterday I was 19! huh.. time goes fast..
I think I'll do some stithcing now, maybe I'll stitch the little New Year's Fairy by Nora Corbett..? :)
27 Mar 2012
23 Mar 2012
Pictures, something to show to you :)
I still haven't stitched anything really. I've been watching Roswell again after many years. I used to watch that when I was a teen. I have them now on DVD and decided to watch them again.
But here's some pics for you. New, old, WIPS, UFOs..
This one is Nora Corbett's Poppy pixie. I didn't even remember starting it! *embarassed* So now that I found her again, I need to continue stitching even though not sure if I like the fabric or not.

Second picture is my CJC-project. I am not sure if I posted this picture already or not, I think I didn't. It's Joan Elliott's Witch. My progress so far.

I started to stitch this flower aaaages ago or at least it feels like that. It's a sweetpea by Ellen Mauer-Stroh and I'm using hand dyed aida (14ct) by Sugar Maple Fabrics. Can't remember the colour, but I'm sure I have it somewhere.. will let you know later! I haven't finished it yet, but it's not really missing much lol. I planned to stitch 4 flowers (there's 12 in total) on a same piece of fabric and I'd make it into a pillow. One day..

Hopefully I can update some of my WIPs soon :)
But here's some pics for you. New, old, WIPS, UFOs..
This one is Nora Corbett's Poppy pixie. I didn't even remember starting it! *embarassed* So now that I found her again, I need to continue stitching even though not sure if I like the fabric or not.

Second picture is my CJC-project. I am not sure if I posted this picture already or not, I think I didn't. It's Joan Elliott's Witch. My progress so far.

I started to stitch this flower aaaages ago or at least it feels like that. It's a sweetpea by Ellen Mauer-Stroh and I'm using hand dyed aida (14ct) by Sugar Maple Fabrics. Can't remember the colour, but I'm sure I have it somewhere.. will let you know later! I haven't finished it yet, but it's not really missing much lol. I planned to stitch 4 flowers (there's 12 in total) on a same piece of fabric and I'd make it into a pillow. One day..

Hopefully I can update some of my WIPs soon :)
I was given a blog award :)
McKenna from Chic Crafting honored me with this award! Thank you sooo much :))

Some background: Liebster is a German word, meaning favourite, dearest or beloved and the Liebster is awarded by bloggers to other, newer bloggers, who have fewer than 200 followers, to spread the word and help the new(er)bies gain wider recognition. The award comes with four conditions that each recipient must satisfy when accepting:
1. Choose five up-and-coming blogs (with fewer than 200 followers) to award the Liebster to.
2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
3. Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you are giving the award to with links to their sites. Leave comments on their blogs so they know about the award.
4. Share 5 random facts about yourself that people don't know about you.
Five of my favorite blogs to read.
1. Thoeria at My Little Corner of Cyberspace
2. Vilma at Vilma's Creation
3. Heather at Heather's Stitching Story
4. Theresa at OctoberLace's Stitching Notes
5. Sharine at Charbella stitching
Five random facts about me:
1. I love playing World of Warcraft and I prefer being a tank or a healer. I love PVP and then I'm always a healer :)
2. I met my bf on WoW! <3
3. When I was a kid I wanted to be a cop, cook or an author (I ended up being a ceramist)
4. I love animals, esp. cats but I am allergic to them :/
5. I am not a fan of pumpkins, however, I have a thing for cross stitch patterns which have pumpkins on them! :D

Some background: Liebster is a German word, meaning favourite, dearest or beloved and the Liebster is awarded by bloggers to other, newer bloggers, who have fewer than 200 followers, to spread the word and help the new(er)bies gain wider recognition. The award comes with four conditions that each recipient must satisfy when accepting:
1. Choose five up-and-coming blogs (with fewer than 200 followers) to award the Liebster to.
2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
3. Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you are giving the award to with links to their sites. Leave comments on their blogs so they know about the award.
4. Share 5 random facts about yourself that people don't know about you.
Five of my favorite blogs to read.
1. Thoeria at My Little Corner of Cyberspace
2. Vilma at Vilma's Creation
3. Heather at Heather's Stitching Story
4. Theresa at OctoberLace's Stitching Notes
5. Sharine at Charbella stitching
Five random facts about me:
1. I love playing World of Warcraft and I prefer being a tank or a healer. I love PVP and then I'm always a healer :)
2. I met my bf on WoW! <3
3. When I was a kid I wanted to be a cop, cook or an author (I ended up being a ceramist)
4. I love animals, esp. cats but I am allergic to them :/
5. I am not a fan of pumpkins, however, I have a thing for cross stitch patterns which have pumpkins on them! :D
10 Mar 2012
to stitch or not to stitch..
Hello everyone!
I haven't been stitching for a while now cause of my back/neck. They were hurting so I wasn't able to stitch. Or I could have, but didn't want it to get worse. So I don't have much news about my stitching but I do have something! :)
I tried to dye a fabric for Mirabilia's "the Deepest Love" (mermaid). I had a white 28ct Jazlyn which I decided to sacrifice! hehe. Here's a pic of the results. I actually do like it a lot how it looks like. The picture is not exactly the same colour though, I'll try to take a better pic later.

I also started a new pattern! eeek! And I have only finished two from CJC, lol. I started to stitch Nora Corbett's "New year fairy". It uses a lot of floss that I don't have so I decided to change the colours a bit. I chose pink! *giggles* yes, I do like pink. Howevere, I also do like the original colours a lot, so maybe one day I will order them and stitch her again. I could have ordered them now too, but I wanted to start stitching her NOW and not after two weeks :D The fabric is 14ct aida from Sugar Maple Fabrics. It's called "Night" and I thought it would be good for her as she is "New Year Fairy" :)

I wanna stitch her NOW! I think in couple days I should be fine again and I can stitch more :) I will continue with her as she looks so beautiful and I wanna see how she will look like with the colours I chose.
I haven't been stitching for a while now cause of my back/neck. They were hurting so I wasn't able to stitch. Or I could have, but didn't want it to get worse. So I don't have much news about my stitching but I do have something! :)
I tried to dye a fabric for Mirabilia's "the Deepest Love" (mermaid). I had a white 28ct Jazlyn which I decided to sacrifice! hehe. Here's a pic of the results. I actually do like it a lot how it looks like. The picture is not exactly the same colour though, I'll try to take a better pic later.

I also started a new pattern! eeek! And I have only finished two from CJC, lol. I started to stitch Nora Corbett's "New year fairy". It uses a lot of floss that I don't have so I decided to change the colours a bit. I chose pink! *giggles* yes, I do like pink. Howevere, I also do like the original colours a lot, so maybe one day I will order them and stitch her again. I could have ordered them now too, but I wanted to start stitching her NOW and not after two weeks :D The fabric is 14ct aida from Sugar Maple Fabrics. It's called "Night" and I thought it would be good for her as she is "New Year Fairy" :)

I wanna stitch her NOW! I think in couple days I should be fine again and I can stitch more :) I will continue with her as she looks so beautiful and I wanna see how she will look like with the colours I chose.
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